تناظر المدارس

منصة إلكترونية لهيئة التعليم في الكويت، مع ملفات شخصية وتصنيفات أكاديمية.

  • portfolios/February2023/ZMGGFxPLnhl5azHcIdRl.png
  • portfolios/February2023/HHkNzmU3ooKaqTggCTMg.png
  • portfolios/February2023/ZMGGFxPLnhl5azHcIdRl.png
  • portfolios/February2023/HHkNzmU3ooKaqTggCTMg.png

The "Schools Interlocution Platform" is an online platform developed for the education authority of Kuwait. The platform allows for the display of all the interlocutors and trainers, and allows the management of personal files for each interlocutor, as well as their participation and contributions according to academic classifications.

Laravel was used as the framework for developing the admin platform and the trainer platform, in addition to Vue.js for the user interface.